Company Sponsored Contests & MERCH Giveaways

Below, You will see details to all of the MERCH Giveaways, "Super Fan" Contests & other chances to get some Great Discounts & FREE MERCHANDISE. Read On...

This page will be updated on a monthly basis with NEW Contests and Giveaways, because that is the average timespan of each "Adventure". So check back periodically, to be kept in the loop.


Category Breakdown


- The Search For My Super FAN:

I know there are FANS of Mine, out there Buying My MERCH, Streaming My Music, Interacting with My Social Accounts and most importantly, learning the words to My Songs, and I have to show some appreciative recognition to You group of Incredible Individuals. So I have put together a series of Contests, where You, The FAN, need only to complete a few tasks to be a part of the "Winner's Circle", that's it, and that's all. No Purchases Necessary, what so ever.

*Note: Each Contest varies, so for more in depth details about these Contests, just Click on “Gift Box Icons” located at the bottom of ths Page.

*Bottom Left : “Watch to Win” Campaign

*Bottom Center:

"Subscribo To Win"


*Bottom Right : “Loyalty Rewards”

(Primary Campaign)


- MERCH Giveaways:

I think I'm addicted to seeing Fans "rocking" My MERCH.  So much so, that I have to see MORE..

Which is why I'm always running contests for "Members" to stack up on some FREE MERCH, on top of the killer price breaks You guys already receive.

These are not considered to be "contests".  Instead, it's more of a Giveaway, because You are not competing against anyone.  Basically, I've got some Merchandise for You, in return of You completing a few tasks-of-support for Me. You don't have to join any groups (Besides The Mailing List) or download anything.  These are designed to be both fun and exciting for the Fans, and beneficial to all parties, in the end.


- Dope Artists Collaboration

Hey, I'm no super big Label, so this is NOT a search for an Artist to sign. These Contests are put together, so I may find the talented Ones out there that are GAS on the MIC, but find it difficult to get on.  I'm giving "speakers", so to speak, to those who are not being heard.  Trying to bring exposure to the TRULY talented, here's a chance.

I am always running these, and as usual, the details are in the links of these particular contests.

- For any questions regarding any of the contests, feel free to contact Me at:


Best Of Luck Everyone... Now Let's Get it...